Positively Positive Podcast
season 2: moving on
Candid conversations on sexual health, more STIs, chronic conditions and sex & body stuff we could all know more about!
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What are dental dams, how EXACTLY do we use them, where do we even find them?! Every single do and don't and pro tip your heart desires is spelled out in this magical episode along with personal experiences from myself and the Dental Dame herself: Holistic Sexuality Educator, RN and STIgma Slayer Rae Kennedy! We talk collaborative, communicative, goofy fun sex and I share what it takes to get into my Exes Hall of Fame, muahahaha! Let's talk about dental dams, baby!
EPISODE 2.2 - Stripping, sex work & stis
Chloe gives me an insider's look at the oldest profession in the world as we chat stripping, camming, sex work and STIs! As the host of Stripper Stories Podcast, Chloe brings relaxed, unfiltered UK opinions and genuine, funny advice for creators and consumers alike. Let's talk about the sex industry, baby!
EPISODE 2.3 - vexatious vaginismus
What is vaginismus & why does it happen? One of my best friends shares her journey from shame to healing, how she approaches the topic with romantic partners, & we discuss the reality of putting yourself out there online. You probably won't be visiting Wendy's or Burger King after this, so grab a glass of wine - doctor's orders! (Seriously, a doctor recommended alcohol for this. Actual insanity.) Let's talk about vaginismus, baby. **Trigger warning: slut shaming**
EPISODE 2.4 - chlamydia with courtney
Mr. Courtney Brame of the Something Positive for Positive People charity and podcast takes a hosting break to join me for a discussion about his own experiences, ethical non monogamy, Lil Wayne, boundaries, how to get Top 5 group chat status (listen up, fellas!) and the most popular reportable STI in North America - let's talk about chlamydia baby!
EPISODE 2.5 - UTIs, yeast infections & YOU
The ultimate big sis chat so many of us never had, but definitely needed. Tricia aka @safe.slut and I are talking UTIs, yeast infections, tips for chub rub, those infamous low rise Britney jeans and all things vaginal health - including my first pap story (SO FUN! Not.) and what you should NEVER EVER do with wasabi! We cover what UTIs and yeast infections actually are and the causes, symptoms and treatments, so grab your notepad for our tried & true tips for a happy, healthy vulva! We might get burned at the stake for the end of this episode, but witches probably wouldn't even give us that honor. Either way, there's blood on the windowsill and only YOU get to decide what matters. Buckle up and let's talk about probiotics, antibiotics and sex magic, baby!
EPISODE 2.6 - Diabetes Damsel: Type 1 Taylor
Taylor is really, really good at stabbing. Also at staying alive. No, she’s not a murderer on the run – she just has Type 1 Diabetes! Her graceful guidance as I learn all about insulin, glucose, pumps and jabs was much appreciated because there is SO MUCH ignorance surrounding this auto-immune disease. She didn’t eat too many donuts, yes she can still eat donuts, and no, donuts were never the problem! We chat management, misconceptions, American healthcare, dating with diabetes, and I ask really invasive questions! (Surprise, it’s another guest with herpes!) Let’s talk about Type 1 Diabetes, baby!
Find Taylor: @Two_Chronic_To_Care
WE ARE ON A MISSION. A MASTURBATION MAY MISSION. Join the 3 hosts of Clit Talk and I as we dive into our own experiences, my opinionated obsession with semantics surrounding female orgasms, and did you know there are 5 different types of clit?! Katie, Lindsey and Sugar share their very contrasting upbringings and how that affected their practices/views on sexuality, how embracing and taking control of their own pleasure has changed their lives, how they did it, and what we’re all doing to empower YOU to do the same. Let’s talk about masturbation, baby!
Find ClitTalk on IG and wherever you listen to podcasts!